Ohio Amish Country's critically-acclaimed live theater show! This live, family-friendly variety show voted a top 100 event in America "will have you laughing until you reach the parking lot." Featuring live bluegrass music, hilarious characters, and a state-of-the-art theater, the Amish Country Theater provides the best live theater value between New York and Branson!
Looking for things to do in the evening? The Ohio Star Theater is pleased to present wholesome, family-friendly musicals and theater productions in Sugarcreek. Discounted rates are available for groups of 20 or more.
Find your respite in Amish Country at Carlisle Inn Walnut Creek or the Carlisle Inn Sugarcreek
“It’s transforming. Every detail and every person contributes to this being a safe, joy-filled place to be. In today’s world, this is much needed and a true vacation.”
The experience was already great at Sugarcreek’s Ohio Star Theater, but with the addition of a new venue, it’s even better!
Ohio Amish Country's newest and funniest attraction! The 325 seat state-of-the-art theater features a live, family-friendly variety show “will have you laughing the entire car ride home.” The show is...